Friday, April 8, 2011

First blog....and first rant of the day

If you looked at all the first blogs from all the people writing their first blogs, 99.9999% of them start off with "Well, this is my first blog and I'm not sure what I'm doing..."

But I'm going to surprise you and write something so profound that you'll be compelled to return to my blog over and over again to be entertained by my wit, right? Nope...why?...because...

...this is my first blog and I'm not sure what I'm doing...

But I do know what I won't do. I won't bore you with details of my life/work/kids/husband/dog because, should you choose to glance at the Reluctant Ranter on occasion, you'll get to know all those details in do time. Let's begin by you asking me a few questions:

"Why did you decide to start this blog?"  Thanks for that great question! I decided to start this blog because my friends on Facebook are surely getting sick of my daily rants, but I need the therapy. So rather than pay a therapist, I can get everything off my chest here FOR FREE!

OK, I'm tired of question/answer time (yes, I'm easily bored) so I'll move on to my rant of the day...

WHY do shampoo/conditioner companies insist writing "shampoo" or "conditioner" in itsy bitsy letters while everything else about the product is HUGE. I can't shower with my cheater readers on!!!  We baby boomers have eyes that are aging...hey AARP, can you do something about that for my $12 a year?